Some Vivek Shinde awesomeness while I go off to SDCC 2010

Today Vivek exploded my inbox with the sheer awesomeness of his artwork. In keeping with his painted style, he just knocked the visuals out of the park. If it were up to me, I’d dump the whole goddamned chapter over here. But I guess you’ve got to buy the book, to see it all.

So while I scoot off to San Diego for SDCC 2010, why don’t you already hold your jaw wide open (to save time) at the sneak peek below.

Click the image above for a hi-res version

About Mumbai Confidential

Mumbai Confidential is a crime noir comic book series created by Saurav Mohapatra and Vivek Shinde [more…]

The image is for preview purposes only. Mumbai Confidential is copyright and trademark of Saurav Mohapatra and Vivek Shinde. All rights reserved.

First Digital Short is now online

As has been mentioned before, there’s a series of digital short comics set in the Mumbai Confidential universe. So the first of these shorts called “REMASTER” (art by Siddharth Kotian) is now online.

MUMBAI CONFIDENTIAL Digital Shorts are a series of companion comics to the first book “GOOD COP, BAD COP” by various artists using the characters created by Saurav Mohapatra and Vivek Shinde. These shorts are set in the same “universe” as the main story. Though these are not required to follow the main book, they do enhance the backstory of GOOD COP, BAD COP.

About Mumbai Confidential

Mumbai Confidential is a crime noir comic book series created by Saurav Mohapatra and Vivek Shinde [more…]

Digital Shorts on iPad test drive

So we spoke about the Digital Shorts last time around and that they were designed to be viewed on devices like iPad, Kindle etc. So today we test drove the Digital Short #1 “REMASTER” (art by Sid Kotian) on the iPad.

As you can see, we chose the so-called “Zuda Format” for the digital shorts, because it is better for viewing on a digital reader (iPad, Kindle etc.)

And, even if I must say it myself, the results look damn freakin’ cool :).

MC on iPad – the cover page

MC on iPad – random interior page

MC on iPad – random interior page

Mumbai Confidential is a crime noir comic book series created by Saurav Mohapatra and Vivek Shinde [more…]

Worklog update and new cover samples

So vivek has fired in some more pages and we are working on a cover concept. I’m going to post two of the cover tries. these are mockups we made to play around with various layouts/compositions and these contain some placeholder content.

Click on the images for higher resolution versions.

as usual do feel free to let us know what you like or don’t like about the two layouts.

Art Dump – 2

When I developed the concept of Mumbai Confidential three years back (This was before Vivek came on board) the most awesome Sid Kotian did some explorations of the concept. Sid signed off the project due to personal reasons/time constraints. Vivek came on board and redid the art from scratch in his own style. This post contains some of Sid’s earlier designs. Maintained here for archival’s sake. 🙂

Here are the inked pages for pages 1 and 2. Sid is not happy with Page 2 (Well looks more than okay to me 🙂 ), but anyways you be the judge.

Page 1 Inks Page 2 Inks

Art Dump – 1

When I developed the concept of Mumbai Confidential three years back (This was before Vivek came on board) the most awesome Sid Kotian did some explorations of the concept. Sid signed off the project due to personal reasons/time constraints. Vivek came on board and redid the art from scratch in his own style. This post contains some of Sid’s earlier designs. Maintained here for archival’s sake. 🙂

Here is an art dump of the thumbnails of the first sequence and character concept for Sawant, the bad guy. Sid has done a good job in translating my jumbled notes into a real visual treat. The opening sequence is a shootout between Sawant and Kadam in Dharavi. It’s night and monsoons are lashing Mumabai 🙂 Our two dudes are at it shooting each other… why you ask? 😛 well check out the book when it comes out.

SawantPage 1 thumbsPage 2 ThumbsPage 2 ThumbsPage 4 ThumbsPage5 ThumbsPage 6 Thumbs