Digital Shorts on iPad test drive

So we spoke about the Digital Shorts last time around and that they were designed to be viewed on devices like iPad, Kindle etc. So today we test drove the Digital Short #1 “REMASTER” (art by Sid Kotian) on the iPad.

As you can see, we chose the so-called “Zuda Format” for the digital shorts, because it is better for viewing on a digital reader (iPad, Kindle etc.)

And, even if I must say it myself, the results look damn freakin’ cool :).

MC on iPad – the cover page

MC on iPad – random interior page

MC on iPad – random interior page

Mumbai Confidential is a crime noir comic book series created by Saurav Mohapatra and Vivek Shinde [more…]

Another Teaser

Following up on teaser I posted earlier, here’s another one done with a slightly more “euro” style. The images used are from interior art by Vivek. As usual, your comments/crits are most welcome.

Also in other news, good things are happening vis-a-vis MC in a medium other than comic books :), more on that when we are allowed to share.

In case you haven’t seen it yet, here’s the chapter 1 preview

Mumbai Confidential is a crime noir comic book series created by Saurav Mohapatra and Vivek Shinde [more…]

Teaser Poster

While Vivek is moving on with the artwork, I decided to play around with some of his explorations for a teaser poster.

What do you think?

In case you haven’t seen it yet, here’s the chapter 1 preview

Mumbai Confidential is a crime noir comic book series created by Saurav Mohapatra and Vivek Shinde [more…]